Always green. Lower water bills. Zero maintenance. Welcome to a whole new way to enjoy your lawn.


+ Saves water. Over 50% reduction in residential water use.
+ Massive time savings. More time to enjoy your yard instead of maintaining it.
+ Reduced carbon emissions. No need for lawn maintenance equipment.
+ Unmatched product capabilities. The best performing turf in the industry.
+ Utilizing renewable resources. 
+ Reuse of post manufacturing waste. 
+ Lower impact on local landfills. A long projected life cycle and are 100% recyclable.
+ Installation Specifications. Detailed specifications for landscape architects and designers.
+ HeatBlock™ Technology. Coolest turf in the synthetic turf landscape.
+ BioCel™ Urethane Coating. The “green”-est product offering on the market today.
+ Zeolite—A proprietary pet system which offers the cleanest and safest pet environments.
+ Green Linq 24 single ply primary sustainable backing. 
+ Celceram™ secondary backing. Environmental advantages using recycled components.
+ We have the right grass. The most varieties of grass with the most options specifically designed, engineered, and manufactured for different applications.
+ Manufacturer’s warranty. 15 years.

Learn more about SYNLAWN™